November 7, 2021

What Are Pantry Pests And How To Get Rid Of Them

Pantry pests are elusive, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be dealt with. From tiny ants to cockroaches, many types of pests infest pantries. If they are left unchecked, an infestation can happen, and they can quickly spread to other food products stored in your home.


What are the most common pantry pests?

There are many pests that you can find in your pantry. But the most common of them are weevils, moths, and small beetles. Compared to cockroaches, these types of pests are not as dangerous. They will not bite like ants or sting like bees. And they will not destroy your home either as termites do.

Read also: Top 12 Most Dangerous Pests in Singapore


Where do pantry bugs come from?

Having an ultraclean kitchen is not a foolproof way of preventing pests from coming to your home. Pantry bugs in flour or other food products can be transported from the processing plant, warehouse, or grocery store. Most of them enjoy processed food and dried food kept at room temperature. They can even get inside unopened packages to eat the food within.


What are the signs of a pantry pest infestation?

The most obvious sign you have a pest infestation is when you see pantry pests flying and crawling around the kitchen. If you check stored food and find bugs inside then you are likely to have an infestation. The more pests you see, the longer the infestation might be happening already.


Why pantry pests should be removed?

Seeing a beetle or two in your living room may not be a cause of alarm. But if you find them by the window, on the floor, or the counter of your pantry, these can be red flags of infestation. It’s time to check your stored food products for pests and discard infested ones asap!

Pantry pests may not be as dangerous to health as rodents, flies, mosquitoes, and roaches. But they’re still bugs that are not meant for eating and can be annoying to have around your pantry.

If you’re into the food business, they will cost you a lot of money because you need to discard huge volumes of food products and inventory.


How to get rid of weevils and other pantry bugs?

Don’t let pantry pests invade your home. Here are things you can do to get rid of them quickly.

  • Check all items in your shelves and pantry to find infested ones and throw them away.
  • Remove pantry items to see if there are any remaining pests.
  • Thoroughly vacuum your cupboards to remove pests.
  • Wash with hot, soapy water the shelving and cupboard.
  • Store in airtight containers food products to prevent infestation.
  • Inspect food items for bugs before returning them to your pantry.


How to keep pantry pests at bay?

The longer a food item sits in your cupboard and shelving, the more prone they are to become infested. You also need to clean them thoroughly every three months to keep bugs away. Below are some tips for a pest-free pantry.

  • Buy only grain products that you can use immediately.
  • Check food packages under a bright light for bugs.
  • Avoid buying crushed or opened packages.
  • Place inside the refrigerator or airtight containers made of metal, glass, and plastic non-impacted food.
  • Wipe up any spills right away in the cupboard and shelves.
  • Clean thoroughly at least once a year the food storage areas in your home.

Read also: How To Make An Easy House Cleaning Schedule (That Works!)


If you need help in removing pantry pests, contact Greencare pest control! We’ve been helping Singapore homes and businesses eradicate their pest issues for years. For your pest control and disinfection service needs, we’re here to help!

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