February 1, 2021
Do DIY Bed Bug Treatments Work?

When it comes to bed bug control, the internet has plenty of DIY remedies to offer. Unfortunately, they cannot get rid of the infestation completely and keep them away for good. Bed bugs are difficult to exterminate not just in Singapore but all over the world. It’s almost impossible to discover and eradicate them because of their tiny size and nocturnal feeding routine.

Here are some DIY bed bug treatment solutions and why they are ineffective in resolving your bed bug problems.


DIY bed bug control remedies and why they fail

1. Heat

It is a known fact that heat can kill bed bugs. Some people tried to DIY heat treatments but were not successful on killing the pests completely. There are two main reasons they fail with this home remedy. First, heating a location will take time. The bed bugs will have time to run into other places to escape the heat. Second, jacking up the temperature of a structure to 120°F is very hard and dangerous. It can set things on fire and can lead to loss of property or human life.

2. Chemicals

Just like in DIY termite control, chemicals can also exterminate bed bugs but not always. Based on a study, these pests can develop a resistance to chemicals. When they pass from one development stage to another, they shed their skin and grow a new one. The new skin can develop immunity to the chemicals they have been exposed to.

Instead of killing the pests, some DIY chemical treatments can produce super bed bugs. When this happens, you have to call a pest control service in Singapore to deal with the worsening infestation.

3. Borates

Like chemicals, borates are known for killing bed bugs. But they are likely to return after some time. The truth is, any treatment product when applied by someone who doesn’t have extensive knowledge about these pests and their behavior, will never be successful. Instead of eradicating bed bugs completely, you are only pushing them deep into your walls.


How to tell if you have bed bug infestation

Bed bug infestation is hard to spot for untrained eyes. These pests can go unnoticed for a long time and when discovered, the problem is already extreme. To know if you have a problem, look for these 5 bed bug signs around your property.


What to do when you see bed bugs

At the first sign of bed bugs in your home or business space, call a professional pest control service in Singapore immediately. Our team in Greencare are highly-trained and knowledgeable not only in providing disinfection service but on bed bug extermination as well. We will locate and assess the level of infestation, implement a solution, and monitor activity to guarantee effectiveness of our efforts.

Don’t attempt to deal with the infestation on your own. You will only aggregate the situation rather than eradicate it. Give us a call at +65 6970 0205 to schedule a treatment session for your Singapore home or business. We look forward to serving you.

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